Monday, October 10, 2011

1st Quarter - Blog #7 ... "Some Sum"

Together, three positive integers have a PRODUCT of 360. The smallest of these integers is 4. What is the greatest possible SUM of the three integers? Be sure to include at least 5 sentences and explain your answer. Happy Blogging!

Monday, October 3, 2011

1st Quarter - Blog #6 ... "Mouse Catching"

If it takes five cats five minutes to catch five mice, how many cats are needed to catch one hundred mice in one hundred minutes? (Not as easy as you think ;~) Happy Blogging!

Monday, September 26, 2011

1st Quarter - Blog #5 ... "The High Cost of Living"

Gas Prices...Gas Prices...Gas prices! It takes a gas pump 4 minutes to dispense 9.5 gallons of gas. If gas costs $2 per gallon, how much will it cost to buy the amount of gas dispensed in 6 minutes? Be sure to explain your answer and include at least five sentences...Happy Blogging!

Monday, September 19, 2011

1st Quarter - Blog #4 ... "Middle of the Class"

On a certain math test, a certain student scored the tenth-highest score and the tenth-lowest score. If every student has a different score, how many students are there in the class? Explain how you know this. Happy Blogging!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

1st Quarter - Blog #3 ... "The Patty Pattern"

What number should replace the question mark in the following sequence?
Be sure to explain your answer and include at least 5 COMPLETE SENTENCES! Happy Blogging!

Monday, September 5, 2011

1st Quarter - Blog #2 ... "All Squared Away!"

You have learned about 'squaring' a number at some point in your mathematical life (hint, hint)! So, look at the following numbers and determine which one is different from the others:
100, 300, 400, 900, 81, 25
Explain why the number that you chose is different from the others. Be sure to include at least FIVE sentences! Happy Blogging!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

1st Quarter - Blog #1 ... "What Do You Want to Learn in Math?"

Explain what you expect to learn in math this year. Be sure to include at least five sentences. Happy Blogging!